Pros and Cons of using iPods in Schools

iPods In SchoolsIt’s no news that iPods have quite a following and can be literally found everywhere. But, is it right to use it in the classroom? (Educators everywhere sigh collectively and shake their heads in disapproval.)

Quite obviously, students lean more (if not entirely) towards allowing iPods in school whilst most educators ban them unequivocally. Let’s see how it all weighs out and get an insight for ourselves, whether our children should/shouldn’t carry them to school.


a. Teachers are bothered that students might be too distracted and unable to listen to them as they conduct their lessons in class.
b. Students might download pornography or inappropriate media and bring them to school, where other students might be affected.
c. iPods may be used as a tool for cheating. Some teachers have overheard students planning to download formulas for math exams and the like.
d. iPods might be a target for theft.
e. Some educators are concerned that students become isolated and antisocial. Instead of tuning into other people, they are left tuned into themselves.
f. Students can become so engrossed in listening to music that they may completely tune out what going on around them, causing unnecessary mishaps.
g. Students might be playing their music too loud and could cause damage to their hearing.


a. Students find that listening to music calms them down and thus become better at school work.
b. It gives students something to do when there is downtime at school; or while riding the bus to or from school. (Watch a movie or an educational video, perhaps?)
c. Students are able to show their individuality by the kind of music they listen to.
d. Students disagree that they will become antisocial; in fact, they believe it is a good way to connect with their peers, by sharing their music with them (as there are two headphones to split with a friend.)
e. iPods can be used to record lectures in class and listened to when reviewing for exams. This is also favorable when the teacher talks too fast; you can just rewind and listen again.
f. There are available educational podcasts that students can tune in to that can aid them in their learning.
g. Students can install educational applications such as dictionaries, bibles, and calculators thus eliminating added bulk to their backpacks/lockers.
h. Audio lessons can be listened to before class thus allowing the students more time to work during class.
i. It could be more beneficial for teachers (whose been teaching the same lesson over and over) to record and podcast their lesson. That way they won’t miss including important points in their topic.
j. Recorded lessons can be shared with students that are absent.
k. Podcast lessons are much more accurate rather than reviewing from notes. – DVD to iPod Reviews, Independent Reviews and Ratings of DVD to iPod Software. A simple website where users can post and read customer reviews about iPod media conversion software. Throughout the site you will find free trial downloads, customer reviews and descriptions of all the latest software to convert media to your iPod.

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High Volume on iPod, iPhone, iPad can Damage Hearing

iPod Hearing LossKids have always loved listening to their favorite music, and the louder the better – much to their parents’ dismay. In the 1980s, the portable tape recorder with headphones – which came to be known as the “Walkman” – enabled teenagers to listen to their music as loud as they wanted, anywhere they wanted, without disturbing anyone around them.

But the more modern rendition of the Walkman – portable MP3 Players and iPods – pose a major threat to our children’s hearing health, and to ours.

The problem is a combination of the technology of portable digital devices that creates a non-buffered crystal clear sound, and the type of headphones typically used with them, which do not have a buffer either. In December 2005, Dean Garstecki, an audiologist and professor at Northwestern University reported that more and more young people were being diagnosed with the types of hearing loss typically found in older adults. He attributed this trend to the “earbud” type headphones that usually accompany iPod and MP3 Players. With the earbud headphones, the sound frequencies are not buffered as they are with the more traditional, ear cup-style headsets.

Newsweek Magazine recently reported that researchers at the House Ear Institute found that listeners can unfortunately increase the volume of today’s portable digital devices without the “signal distortion that occurs with traditional analog audio.” The older-model headphones that were popular just 15 to 20 years ago – that have ear cups outside of the ears – had that distortion when the volume was turned up, which functioned as a much-needed buffer to protect our hearing. Today’s technology does not provide that buffer – the earpiece is placed in the ear, not outside of it, and the digital devices do not create that distortion, no matter how high the volume.

In addition, people often listen to these devices while they are on the go, and have a tendency to crank the volume in an attempt to drown outside noise, further posing a risk to our hearing. Using the earbud style headphones during activities such as exercise, for example, puts the user at a greater risk. During exercise, blood, which can act as a buffer, is diverted from the ears to other parts of the body – so our already vulnerable hearing is in even more jeopardy.

Headwize reports that a study conducted on music listeners using headphones revealed that while indoors with no background noise, the participants were comfortable with their music at 69 decibels. Outdoors, where the background noise was recorded at 65 decibels, participants using their headphones turned the volume up to 82 decibels and as high as 95 decibels to drown out the surrounding noise. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines limit exposure to noise at this level to no more than four hours each day. The study concluded that the participants were at risk for hearing damage and recommended “avoiding continuous use of [portable stereos] in noisy conditions.”

Northwestern University’s Dean Garstecki offers more specific guidelines: His 60 percent/60 minute rule – listen to MP3 Players and iPods for “about an hour a day and at levels below 60 percent of maximum volume.” The problem is, most of the population using headphones – young music fans – listen to their music for much longer than one hour per day. But, you can help minimize hearing loss, damage and problems while listening to your favorite music as long as you want to – the secret is in the headphones.

Headphones such as the EX29 Extreme Isolation Noise Reduction Headphones help block out external noise allowing you to hear the fine details of your music without blowing out your ear drums. The ear cup fits over the ear, and not in it, and the headphones are lightweight, don’t require batteries and can be used with your MP3 Player or iPod. With 29 decibels of isolation from outside sound, the quiet headphones block outside noise and there is no need to crank the volume of your music.

Aging rock stars like the Who’s Pete Townsend, who has some permanent hearing loss from years of exposure to loud music, and Mick Fleetwood, who has teamed up with Energizer batteries to promote hearing loss prevention, have brought public attention to the fact that many of us take our hearing for granted. But there’s no need to turn off your music – just be smarter about how you listen to it. If you are using your MP3 Player or iPod when you’re exercising, in a noisy environment or you just want to hear the fine details of your music, ditch the earbud headphones and reach for a set of noise reduction ones instead. And you’ll be enjoying your favorite music for a long time to come.

Lee Blue is a musician, composer, built a WordPress Ecommerce Plugin and home studio recording artist. He uses Extreme Isolation headphones in his recording studio and his office to block out noise and distractions. Learn more at Noise Reduction Headphones

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iPhone FM Transmitter to Boost Your Audio Output

iPhone FM TransmitterIn this article I’ll reveal a new iPhone FM Transmitter and Charger you can use in your car or with any FM radio to play the sound from your iPhone 4 and 4S. It’s a relatively simple method to give your music wings and help it travel with you.

And as you will soon discover, not all transmitters are built the same and I feel it’s important to tell you why this one is unique and different that all the other transmitters on the market.

You see, when you use an FM transmitter to broadcast any sound, you want the audio replicated as if it were plugged right into the radio via an auxiliary port. And when you get right down to it, the sound of the music from your iPhone is the most important piece. When you can hear it, the way it’s supposed to sound, you will enjoy it more. And this transmitter does a decent job at sound reproduction.

Now this one is different than most since it wraps around the iPhone and uses a free application from the Apple store. It allows you to tap into the full public FM band and can broadcast music up to 75 feet. It also comes with a thin bumper guard, which kind of protects the facing of the iPhone, but will do little against drops or fumbles.

Another feature, which many will find useful, is the broadcast distance this iPhone FM transmitter and charger generates. It broadcasts about 45 feet further than the average transmitter, usually between 75-100 feet. Which is important if you would like to use it in your home as well as you car. For instance, if you are sitting in the kitchen and you have the home stereo in the living room thirty feet away, you can change the musical selection and it will still play through the home stereo.

Finally, this is a truly unique item because you can charge your phone while you use it. It can plug into a USB port or your vehicles utility adapter (cigarette lighter) and easily be charged. On the back is a on/off switch which can easily toggle the transmitter on and off.

It’s also important to note, the will be some extra battery drain, more than normal when you use this Apple FM transmitter. From what I’ve researched online, your battery will wear out around 10% faster.

While it’s on your mind and since I promised to reveal it, Click Here or visit Charger for FM Transmitter.

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Should Apple Really Consider A “Cheap” iPhone?

Cheap iPhoneSince 2007, Apple has been the industry leader in the smartphone genre of communication device; however, in recent years, they have seen there once monopolized market share being eaten away by Android powered devices, Samsung most notably. In response to such concerns, some critics and Apple insiders have been rumoring that Apple may approach its global competitors by creating a cheaper version of the iPhone for those customers with smaller budgets. The following article will discuss this decision and the potential impact it may have on the prestigious following of Apple.

Apple has long been known to be a technology giant that produces the highest quality products, without sacrificing quality for potential market share. From the iPhone to the iPad to the MacBook, users have never gone to Apple for the bargained price; Steve Jobs was famous for getting people to venture outside their budget for “the best” in the industry. With every product release, Apple followers and loyalists line up outside their retail outlets as if the next product will change their life; and in some cases it has.

As of late, Apple’s dominance in the field of smartphone communications has been challenged by competitors that have emulated and reproduced their ideas, making the next product release that much more difficult to differentiate from the field of producers. In response to such a notion, there has been chatter amongst Apple insiders that the iPhone would be spinning a new direction from winning by innovation to winning by creating budget incentive. The result would be a new “cheap iPhone.”

What exactly the new budget friendly device would contain is still yet to be known; however, it is clear that this move would demote the aura that surrounds Apple and lower them to the dog-eat-dog competition that has churned out some of the poorest made devices over the past decade.

Apple already has a budget friendly way of promoting its devices by allowing customers to purchase the previous generations for fractions of the newest products sales price. While proponents argue that the out of contract price of these devices is still far beyond what consumers can pay in international markets compared to competitors, opponents argue that the Apple mantra would be jeopardized by such a move.

The verdict is still undecided and the product has yet to be described. The ultimate result of such a maneuver with devices 2 generations old being essentially free is still quite controversial and may indeed change the tide of Apple and the iPhone’s perception nationwide. The it factor that the iPhone delivers is partially driven by its exclusivity and high-class symbolism. These factors would likely be eroded, making the already household name become tarnished by cutting quality and “it” factor.

For more questions regarding this article or about iPhone Screen Repair or iPhone 4S Screen Repair visit our website.

I have been reviewing and blogging about Apple innovations since the release of the iPhone in 2007. Since that time, I have responded to demand for a quality iPhone, iPod and iPad Repair service by creating budget friendly repair site that addresses the needs that Apple has forgone. Since that time I have continued to be an avid Apple follower with my primary focus being on the iPhone and its subsequent generations.

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Apple iPhone 5 Review

iPhone 5 ReviewAs with all of the previous versions Apple has brought to us thus far, it is feasible to acknowledge that this new version has all the features that you will need in a phone and PDA wrapped into one. It is being called lightning by some, however if speed was the only improvement to the apple iPhone 5 some would say that it would be enough.

There are several other improvements to look forward to in the iPhone 5, such as the visual quality and the panoramic view that it portrays. All you have to do is to switch to Panorama mode and be impressed by the 240 degree coverage. Look for less time on the charger as you will now have an improved battery life of approximately 8 hours of talk time, should you need it.

As far as a Smartphone goes, this one is sure to impress the user with the added ability of face detection for your videos. Then there is the matter of the dock connector. If you have ever had trouble getting that phone to charge because of the design of the power plug, the new USB like connecter on the Apple iPhone 5 will be just what the doctor ordered.

If the lightning speed does not impress you, the fact that it could very well be the thinnest iPhone yet, might just do it. With every generation of the iPhone comes new and improved features, such as better browsing capabilities. If it is your plan to impress your friends, this phone could easily be the one for you, with its small stature and faster processor speeds.

Let’s not forget the fact that the iPhone 5 is a cellular phone first and everything else after. On the other hand, if you enjoy using your phone for listening to music, the audio improvement and its high quality recordings, will have you wondering how you could possibly survive without this upgraded version of the Apple iPhone. Save all your music on your phone and take advantage of these new benefits.

Most cellular phone operators like the fact that they can use their phone to surf the web, so the fact that the apple iPhone 5 has an operating system that gives them the added benefit of Facetime, will be sure to impress the user. But one of the best things to look forward to in the new iPhone, is the price and availability which will remain much the same as its predecessor.

Apple iPhone 5 features, price, reviews & pictures @

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