iPod Docking Stations

ipod docking stationThere have been numerous gadgets released in the past 10 years or so, but one that has proven very popular indeed is Apple’s iPod. Today an iPod docking station will now allow you to connect yours to a variety of different devices, as well as allowing you to listen to what is stored on yours through speakers instead of through headphones.

However, there are numerous different forms of these now available so deciding which one to choose can prove somewhat difficult. Therefore, to help you make a more informed decision we provide a guide below that will help you better understand which of these docking stations suits your requirements.

1. What Kinds Of iPod Docking Stations Can You Get?

Today these iPod docks come available on a variety of different products, including some small stereos, which simply come with a place to situate your iPod and a set of speakers. However, the other types of docking stations may include the following:

a. A Clock Radio

b. A Portable CD Player and Radio

c. A Dock that is Portable, which is very small and lightweight and operates on batteries.

d. A Digital Clock Radio that also includes a digital DAB+ Radio.

e. A Mini or Micro Hi-Fi System

f. A Home Theater System that comes with a 7.2 channel surround sound

g. An AV Receiver

2. Will Your iPod Fit In Your Chosen Docking Station?

When it comes to buying such a device the most important thing, you need to be looking at is your chosen one compatible with your iPod. This is important to remember as the connections used on the various iPods do differ somewhat. In fact, as every new variation of the iPod Nano, Shuffle and Touch have come onto the market; their size and shape have also altered. As a result of this, you may find that your particular iPod device may not fit the dock you have selected.

However, although you can actually purchase an iPod dock designed specifically to use with your iPod be aware that there is also an adapter available that you can use to allow you to fit different iPods on to different docks.

3. Does The Docking Station I Have Chosen Allow Other MP3 Players To Be Connected?

What you often find is in order to connect other types of MP3 players to your iPod docking station simply requires the connecting of a 3.5mm audio in jack to the dock and the MP3 players. However, although it will allow you to play any music stored on this device you need to be aware that it won’t provide the device with any power to keep it charged as it would when you connect your iPod to it.

Hopefully, you find this guide useful and in turn buy an iPod docking station that meets your particular requirements perfectly.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rudolph_Scarlett

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7461174

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How to Put Videos onto your iPhone, iPod, iPad

Putting video onto your iPhone, iPod or iPad, sounds like it should be a simple task. However you can waste a lot of time trying to work out how to do it. This blog post will detail exactly how to do so, using a free software tool to make it super easy.

The IOS software on iPhone, iPod or iPad can only play H.264 or MPEG-4 encoded video’s so you need to ensure that your video is in one of these formats before transferring it to your device. Your video file(s) should end with either of these file extensions; .mp4, .m4v or .mov (native Quicktime format). If the video you want to transfer to your device isn’t in either of these formats it won’t sync to the device from iTunes.

Let’s go through the steps and then in detail…

Step 1. Convert Video to correct aspect ratio and format using Handbrake
Step 2. Insert converted video into iTunes
Step 3. Sync to your device

1. Converting your video into the right format is easy if you use a free special video conversion tool called Handbrake. Go and download and install the Handbrake software first.

  • Start Handbrake software
  • Choose your video source. Either a video file or a DVD disc (the video will load, wait for it)
    Note: If you are trying to copy a copy protected DVD you may not be able to use Handbrake without some more work. See this extra blog post on How to Decrypt DVDs with Handbrake.
  • handbrake1

  • Choose your destination device. Handbrake has these video settings built into it, so it’s super easy, you don’t have to change any settings if you don’t want to.
  • Make sure that the ‘Keep Aspect Ratio’ tickbox has been set, so that your videos don’t come out squashed or out of shape. E.g for iPod Touch 480 x 272 or for iPhone 720 x 400 (keeping aspect ratio)
  • handbrake2

  • Select your destination file. Click the ‘Browse’ button. Call your file whatever you like with a .mp4 or .m4v extension, and choose a location on your hard-drive for it to go.
  • Click on the ‘Start’ button at the top left of the window. Your video will encode into the correct size and format (depending on the size of the video and the power of your computer, you may be waiting a long time before this process is complete.

2. Inserting your now converted video into iTunes is a simple step. Open iTunes, then you can either drag and drop your converted video into iTunes, or use the File menu and ‘Add File to Library’. This will load the video into your iTunes Movies Library

3. Now you can plug in your iPhone, iPod, iPad via USB cable and before you sync, just make sure to look at the Movies tab of your device within iTunes. You can if you don’t have Movies set to automatically sync then you can select the video you just inserted into the library. Now click ‘Sync’ and you converted video will appear in the Videos icon of your device.

All done. Enjoy.

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Troubleshooting your iPhone – Recharge, Restart, Reset, Remove, and Restore

iPhone troubleshootingThere are many reasons that you might be experiencing problems with your iPhone. But before doing something to correct what is wrong, you need to find out first what caused the problems. Troubleshooting your iPhone is not as difficult as you would think. In fact, you might be surprised that you can troubleshoot your own iPhone even if you are not a tech savvy person.

A frozen iPhone is one of the most common problems of the Apple iPhone. This means that your iPhone is not operating as expected or totally not working. Here are some of the tips and tricks for fixing your iPhone when it freezes or when other problems arise.

Recharge. Make sure to charge your iPhone with a high-powered USB port, not on a low powered one. Your keyboard USB port (if you have one) is low powered, therefore you cannot charge your iPhone with that port. Only a high-powered USB port will charge your iPhone or you can also use your iPhone AC adapter. You can easily determine if your iPhone is not receiving a power to charge by just looking at the battery image. If you see the red part of the battery image flash three times and then the screen goes black… this is an indication that the iPhone is not charging.

If recharging your iPhone doesn’t solve your problem try this one.

Restart. Try restarting your iPhone but if your iPhone is locked up or an application was frozen, you need to cancel the frozen application first before you can restart. To cancel the frozen app, press the home button and hold for about 6 seconds. You should be able to cancel the program that is locked up. Then restart your iPhone. To do this hold the sleep/wake button and wait for a red colored slider to appear. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off your iPhone. Before you turn it back on, wait for at least 10 seconds. To turn your iPhone on, hold the sleep/wake button until you see the Apple logo.

If recharging or restarting your iPhone doesn’t solve your problem try another solution.

Reset. To do this, hold the sleep/wake button and Home buttons simultaneously for a few seconds. The display will quickly wipe itself and you should see the black background and white Apple logo. Just ignore any other symbols that may appear. It is important that you wait for the Apple Logo before releasing the two buttons. The Apple logo signifies that a reset is well done.

But then again, if recharging or restarting or resetting your iPhone doesn’t solve the problem, you may also try another way.

Remove. More often than not, your iPhone will not work as you expect, if there is content that is not properly synced. This will require more than a restart… you may need to totally remove the problematic content. You may try to remove certain content such as contacts, calendars, songs, photos, videos, or podcasts. Such content may be causing your iPhone not to sync properly. To do this, connect your iPhone to your computer and go to the iTunes site. Change your sync options for each of the following categories: contacts, podcasts, calendars, etc. Click on the iPhone in the Source list, then select each tab to change what content is synced, and then click apply.

But if recharging,restarting, resetting or removing content from your iPhone still doesn’t solve the problem, try another one.

Reset Settings. There are two ways to reset the settings of your iPhone. First go to settings and then general, then reset, then reset all settings. This will reset everything but no data or media will be deleted. Second, go to settings, select general, select reset and choose erase all contents and settings. This will unfortunately remove all of your saved files, folders, and content, so do this with caution. You may want to backup all of your content before attempting this. The second way will put your iPhone back to the state when you first bought it. Again, use the second option with care.

If all the tips mentioned above didn’t work… you may try this option.

Restore. Try restoring iPhone using the latest version of iTunes. Connect iPhone. When it appears in the Source list, click on Restore in the Summary tab. This will also wipe the iPhone and all your information on it.

There are many ways to troubleshoot your iPhone. If you are still have problems the best advice I can give you now is to go to Apple.com The iPhone troubleshooting section of Apple’s main iPhone support site contains a walkthrough for situations like this. They have an enormous amount of information out there for you. This may be the best way for troubleshooting your iPhone.

David Chan shares his first hand experience working on the iPhone and the ways for troubleshooting your iPhone. Find out more about how to best use the iPhone and even how to win one for free at http://everypathnbeyond.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_K_Chan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1574122

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iPod Touch 5th Generation Product Review

iPod 5th GenApple has done it again with the release of the iPod Touch 5th Generation. This ultrathin media player is more like a multimedia juggernaut on steroids than another beefed up version of the iPod or a mini version of an iPad. The device stands alone for its similar design to the iPod 5 and its additional features include a 4 inch display screen. Still working on the iOS 6 operating system, the device features an Apple A5 processor. This iPod Touch also has a special added feature of Panorama mode for its front and back camera with 5 megapixels that can shoot video and includes an auto focus feature for taking pictures. Such a device can supply up to 40 hours of entertainment with audio, video and photos, including the ability for synching with iTunes accounts.

A device like the iPod Touch 5th Generation makes a great gift for the holiday season. Priced at just under $300 for the 32 GB model, the multimedia player offers enough data storage capacity to hold hundreds of image and audio files along with video. College students can utilize the microphone feature to record class lectures and get up to 40 hours of audio playback. This device makes the perfect travel companion with its wireless capabilities for long delays between flights and airplane mode for viewing videos or listening to podcasts or audio books. Commuters will fall in love with the multimedia functions of the device that can make a subway or bus ride home or to work fully entertaining from start to finish. Add on the special wrist band and take this next generation iPod Touch on the road for a morning jog or to the gym for an energized workout. Undoubtedly, the multimedia gadget offers its users more features than previous versions and its MP3 competitors, while it undersells its portable game console competitors.

Apple continues to enhance the level of quality products available on the tech device market with this new iPod Touch. The latest edition of the iPod Touch comes in a variety of colors, including snazzy red and metallic silver. Apple also offers a plethora of downloadable applications through the Apple Store. Additionally, the device’s firmware may be upgraded and the device can also be synchronized with a desktop through the Mac OS or Microsoft Windows operating systems. For the price, the iPod Touch 5th Generation stands out as a major difference maker in the tech market.

iPod touch 5th generation features, price, customer reviews and buying guide @ http://www.ipodtouch5thgeneration.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loquat_Chuang_Hanly

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7428615

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How to Properly Use Your iPad

using the ipadThe iPad can do many things for people. You can add a keyboard to make it a word processing tool. If you hook up a joystick, you can play video games. The right app can help you perform video conferences. You can use the following tips to help you get the most out of your iPad.

Enable the feature entitled Find My iPad, which will allow you to retrieve a lost or misplaced unit. This tells you the precise location of your iPad and gives you the option of deleting sensitive material contained on your device. If you ever need to use this app, it will become indispensable.

The iPad is one of the most convenient devices that money can buy. The iPad only has one button and the screen. Play around with your iPad and you can discover some cool things. You may be surprised with how intuitive the tablet is.

Kids need to be protected from the Internet. You can access restrictions from the general settings. When you get there, hit your “enable restrictions” button. This will ensure your child cannot view unacceptable content. Anything that isn’t age appropriate, such as certain shows, videos and websites will be off limits.

Do you hate not knowing exactly where hyperlinked words lead? You can solve this problem on your iPad rather easily. Even though you are unable to hover over the link as you would with your computer, you are able to touch the word and hold it. This will show you the URL that the word links to.

Locate bookmarks easier. Just have your Bookmarks bar open at all times. If you wish to do this, get into the settings for Safari and pick out the options to keep bookmarks on. This gives you easy access to your bookmarks from any page as you are surfing the Internet.

You can quickly mute the iPad. The first iPads did not have a mute button on them. With the advent of iOS 4.3, it became possible to mute the audio easily. To mute immediately, just depress the volume-down tool and hold.

Make sure to look over your history before giving someone else your device. If someone is looking at your iPad or using Safari, they can see anything if they go to your history. The browser instantly loads the last viewed page. If you need to, go to a website that you won’t mind others seeing before showing them how to use the iPad.

You can charge your iPad without a power outlet. You can also charge it from a USB device. This means you can use the charge from your laptop or netbook in order to juice up your iPad while you are on the go.

Whether you would like to do your homework, talk to far-away friends or play games, the iPad gives you the option of doing all that and more. You simply need a good understanding of the iPad including tips like these. Apply what you’ve just learned, and have fun with your gadget.

Uchenna Ani-Okoye has been writing articles online for many years now. For information on electronic gadgets and computers, including any questions that you may want answered, advice on specific products and recommendations, check out his latest websites Kobo Ereader Touch and Fixing Winsock Error

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Uchenna_Rodger_Ani-Okoye

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7480342

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